Friday, July 17, 2009

Edible Science - Session 2, Week 2

This week we focused on food preservation. There are lots of ways to keep microorganisms from growing on food - freezing, drying, heating, etc. We experimented with all of these techniques and ended up with dehydrated mushrooms, some super salty beef jerky, and low acid level canned vegetables.
Later on in the week we experimented with our sense of taste. The students "mapped" their tongues to see if different regions corresponded to different taste sensations. We also discussed and experienced how both smell and sight highly influence what we think we are tasting.

Bible Stories That Speak to Us - Session 2, Week 2

The Bible Stories class studied the Joseph story from Genesis during the first week. We made a coat of many colors, and dressed in nomadic costumes in our tent. The second week we focused on the New Testament; Anna and Simeon in the Temple, the boy Jesus in the Temple, the Calling of the Disciples and the Healing of the Paralytic. Each Friday we watched a movie. The first was, of course, "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Coat" and the second was "Prince of Egypt," about Moses. We took one field trip over to the Cathedral to see the "Calling of Peter" stained glass window, and to see the mosaics in Resurrection Chapel. Later we made our own mosaic fish, made a model of Herod's Temple, and first century houses made from Legos. It was a fun two weeks!

Lights, Camera, Podcast! Invincible

Celeste, Sophia and Jane made this movie to show off their editing skills. They worked hard turning 12 minutes of footage into a one-minute of movie, they added special video and sound effects as well.

Trek Around the World - Session 2

Grades 7–8 • Session 2: July 6–July 17

To begin their study of geography, students were introduced to the five themes of geography; location, place, region, movement, and human-environment interaction. Once they understood the concepts, they created collages finding pictures that best represented each theme. The class then began their project which consisted of a three week trip to a continent, visiting at least four countries, documenting their stay, travel arraignments, and facts about the country. Upon completion of the project, each student presented their travel journal to the class.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lights, Camera, Podcast! The Battle

Olivia, Camilla, Jamie and Ben worked on making a movie this week. Special video and sound editing effects are the main focus of this fantastic movie. Enjoy!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Lights, Camera, Podcast! - Session 2- A little bit of magic...

During this week, students have been learning the basics of video editing, using iMovie. Students started with this collaborative exercise. They learned how import video, trim clips, and add music and sound effects.

Lights, Camera, Podcast! Celeste's podcast

Last, but not least. Celeste's intro.

Developing Your Inner Actor - Week 1

Grades 4–8 • Morning Class
Session 2: July 6–July 17

Over the past week, some of the fun things we’ve done in acting camp include:
• Doing improvisation (acting without a script) to cover acting basics and character creation.
• Bringing to life “Little Red Riding Hood” in a serious of tableaus (frozen pictures)
• Exploring “Environmental Theatre” by acting scenes outside (2 park scenes) and in the lobby of Woodley (hotel lobby)
• Developing characters with various games (Let’s Be…, Murderer, Join In) and scenes
• Team building – group clay sculpture, emotional freezes, and blind walks
• Exploring an “open scene” (a 1-page scene with generic dialogue that can be interpreted in different ways) to explore characters, relationship, environment, and conflict.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lighs, Camera, Podcast! Sophia's podcast

Sophia shares her work during the first week of the Multimedia camp.